Another project involving hot glue. Our project required the placement of an extension cord electrical socket outside, in a sealed container but accessible.

Instead of purchasing a new water-tight electrical box we decided to repurpose an existing one. This box had one small problem, a hole was already cut into the box for a different type of cable. Since the box is going to be located in a remote location, its appearance was of little concern.

The existing cable and associated gromet was removed and duck tape applied to the interior of the box.

After the tape was applied, the hole was oriented to be level with the surface of the work bench. Then hot glue was squirted into the hole to fill it.

Once the glue cooled and returned to solid form, Duck tape was applied to the exterior of the box.

This box is now returned to its original water-tight integrity.

There are certainly more elegant ways to repair a plastic box, but this method was both quick and inexpensive…