A couple weeks ago I began a serious review of trigonometry, calculus, and vectors to get ready for geophysics course work. To say the least my knowledge was a bit rusty when I started–it still is. During this time I also noted that my LaTeX templates were also woefully inadequate. So I decided to simultaneously begin an overhaul of LaTeX templates from my undergraduate days for writing graduate-level papers.

I began by writing a review of trigonometric identities and functions in LaTeX. This paper is not yet finished, but when it is complete, I will blog about it and post it on the portfolios section of this site. While starting work on this paper it did not take me long to realize that I needed to build LaTeX commands for common mathematical scenarios, otherwise I could spend a a great deal of time typesetting a page of formulas. I started building these commands several years ago during my undergraduate work in classical electromagnetism. I dusted off this template and completely reworked the content. I believe it is now mature enough to share.

My readers can find these templates on my github site, LaTex Math and Science Functions. Please be sure to read the instructions to properly load the files in your LaTeX document. If you find any errors that require corrections, please send me a note on the “contact me” form. Please include the file name and line number requiring correction. I will be updating these files periodically.

Categories: LaTeXSoftware